Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jumping in feet first

I read many wonderful blogs every day, and yet somehow I am at a loss for how to begin this venture--how to find my own "blogland" voice. I devour blogs like Elements of Style, La Dolce Vita, Urban Grace, and even The Pioneer Woman on a daily basis, but have never really made myself known to the talented bloggers who have provided me with so much inspiration and entertainment, or to the other readers who so generously post comments, share advice and generally form the community I've been a very happy, but silent, member of.

image via: decorno
Not unlike many of the "lifestyle" bloggers whose work I have so enjoyed, my interests basically center around a few things: interiors, fashion, restaurants, cooking, and entertaining. So, I guess this little blog will be my online home--a place to record thoughts, images, and general musings. Maybe nobody will ever read it, but at worst it will be a way to catalogue and retain all the wonderful photographs, recipes, reviews, and material out there in the wide world of the web that I want to be able to return to, draw from, and use to make my life a little prettier, a little tastier, and a little better each day.

Let's see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! All the same reasons I started my own blog not too long ago... it sure is fun, even if no one ever ends up reading it ;) Good luck!
