Friday, January 21, 2011

Cheering for Queensland

When something goes wrong in the US, we know it. Headlines are everywhere, television news shows cover our domestic disasters day and night, and even those who believe in the maxim that ignorance is bliss are unable to escape the knowledge of whatever the disaster is. This constant information inundation allows those unaffected to witness the suffering of others and, one hopes, to do something about it—to volunteer, to send money, to say prayers, whatever it may be.

A real disaster has occurred these last couple of weeks in Australia, and between Top Chef and American Idol, I’ve hardly heard more than a few words about it. Flooding of the Brisbane and Bremer rivers has devastated the Australian state of Queensland. In the city of Brisbane alone, more than 25,000 homes and 5,000 business have been destroyed, families and the elderly losing every earthly possession. Living here in New York, on the other side of the globe, there is not much I can do but read the stories and confront the pictures of devastation the State Premier described as of ‘postwar proportions.’ During dismal days like these, there is nothing to do but look for a patch of sun amidst the clouds. Luckily, Australian design is replete with cheerful patterns, hues, and whimsy. Every Australian interior, clothing line, and textile line seems positively bursting with energy and happiness. Bright colors, organic materials, communion with the beautiful Aussie outdoors, and unabashed good humor seem to define the designs coming up from down under. Enjoy this sampling of a few of my favorites, and take a moment to pray for our neighbors in need on the other side of the world .

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